Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Papers Signed

I signed all the financial papers last night on the house. My guess is that we are going to be sending over our 10% soon. I'm not really ready for this sort of change.

Cutie face was written up on Friday for pulling another girls arm causing her to dislocate her elbow. She went from model student to bully overnight. There is no way in hell that my 21 month old daughter would have the strength to do this. She's smart but is not strong. My husband signed something that said he was told. He also said that he has to teach her to go for the knees - not the elbow. When he spoke with the teacher who was there at the time, she said she didn't see what happened - All the kids were playing and the girl's who's elbow was dislocated is prone to this. We are not sure why cutie face took the fall for this. I'm trying to figure out how to handle this in the future.

We really have to find her a better school. My husband heard one of the teachers yelling at the students. This is not good thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

12:46 AM  

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