Sunday, June 25, 2006

Back to the Burbs

Even though we have an excepted offer, today we went to look at two new houses in the same price range without the major fixer-upper headache. Our conclusion is that our property is the right decision for us. It's going to be a little difficult for a few years while we renovate. We had to factor in the cost of renting an apartment for one year and potentially needing a bridge loan when negotiating the purchase price. I wouldn't budge on our offer. Paul was ready to cave. He feared I would change my mind about the burbs. However, we are agreeing to their closing date.

I can't tell you how the market is doing. My gut tells me it's weakening. I'm a little concerned about selling our NYC apartment for a better price than the house. We will probably put it on the market in July. Not the best time of year. We have a lot of cleaning up to do and moving boxes to storage. I can't believe we actually lived like this for 4 years. Paul owned this apartment and I moved in a few months before we were married.


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