Friday, June 30, 2006

Going Political

The July 4th weekend is near. I'm going political.
Rule number 1 all countries must allow women to have the same rights as men and boys. I don't want to hear about the religion crapola. Religion is used by evil people as an excuse for them to stay in power. All the muslim and arab countries would chillout if women had the same rights as men and boys. That should be America's focus. Equal rights for women would change the world. Whoever objects - is evil.


Blogger Stuart K. Hayashi said...

I agree with you. I don't believe that somebody should get away with beating women and violating their rights just because "oh, his culture says that's okay and that's part of his religious beliefs."

Why should the rules of ethics apply to America but not to people in other nations?

When people use the "oh, but that's his religion and culture" card, they display a lack of understanding of freedom of religion. One has freedom of speech and religion under the condition that, while exercising such rights, he does not exercise nonconsensual violence or the threat thereof against other people's lives or private property rights.

If somebody followed a religion that told him it was his moral duty to murder harmless, innocent people, should we let that murderer get away with his crimes because he was "exercising his own freedom of religion"? Of course not!

If some thugs try to start a neo-Aztec cult that sacrifices the lives of unwilling human victims, of course such wrongdoers should be arrested; one is not practicing his freedom of religion when he's violating someone else's rights.

I'm practicing free speech if I burn a U.S. flag that I own because I bought it with my own money from a willing seller. It's not free speech if I go to somebody else's house and burn her U.S. flag without her permission.

When the Founders wrote the Bill of Rights, they believed that all the procedural rights listed in the first, third, fourth, and fifth amendments were derived from the primary rights that John Locke espoused -- life, liberty, and private property.

Indeed, without the rights to life and private property (including an individual woman's ownership over her own life, mind, and body), there can be no freedom of religion or speech.

And females have the exact same rights that males do.

It really gets me when politically-correct activists who accuse fashion models and the cosmetics industry of oppressing women somehow turn a blind eye to the truly brutal forms of female subjugation that occur throughout the Middle East and much of the world.

I recall the Declaration of Independence saying that everyone has equal rights; not just native-born Americans. It thus follows that women in the Middle East deserve just as much freedom as American men and women.

10:45 AM  

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