Monday, October 08, 2007

Birthday Presents Galore

Cutie got a bicycle and princess dress-up costumes from her cousins. She also got two Webkinz's (how awkward is that to say???). Webkinz's is really cool. You play games to collect points to buy things for your pet. She gets it. I just need to start her off on a game and she can play for 1/2 hours. She moves to shopping on her own and then it's "mommy - I need another game (aka more money)" It's pretty cute at 3. I hope I can remember her user name and password.

Some other favorites - clothes, Tinkertoy, Dora memory game, modeling clay (say goodbye playdoh - I never liked the way you smelled), art projects and a big one - My Little Pony Castle - The really big one that needs batteries. I have to go out and get the ponies.

Can't wait for school to begin again.


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