Friday, September 28, 2007

High 80's

Our last day at the Montessori School with 28 preschoolers in one class was supposed to be today. We haven't been there since Tuesday. The weather's been hot it was off to Fire Island for some ocean swimming. Cutie face didn't want to go to school but she often said she was lonely for people her size. So we invited one of our city friends to stay with us. It's interesting to watch her play with children near her age. It's so different with each child. Some children she has detailed conversations with and a lot of imaginative play - "Let's build a rocket ship and go to the moon". Cutie face is a smart and funny child. She first watches someone do something and then does it herself. She makes jokes and laughs at things she thinks is funny. I realized TV wasn't as bad as they say. I found her laughing hysterically at a comedy routine and after watching a show she quizzed me on some riddle. At nearly 3yo she gives cootie shots (a first grader taught her) and attempts knock knock jokes.
The amazing thing is to watch her with a child who so obviously doesn't share her interests. And how she adapts to that child's play. She definitely has my personality. I see her trying to help others achieve her level of competency and them totally not getting it (explaining to them how to go potty). I see her learning from others of things she can't do and getting it (climbing in the playground). I'm proud.


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