Friday, September 28, 2007

High 80's

Our last day at the Montessori School with 28 preschoolers in one class was supposed to be today. We haven't been there since Tuesday. The weather's been hot it was off to Fire Island for some ocean swimming. Cutie face didn't want to go to school but she often said she was lonely for people her size. So we invited one of our city friends to stay with us. It's interesting to watch her play with children near her age. It's so different with each child. Some children she has detailed conversations with and a lot of imaginative play - "Let's build a rocket ship and go to the moon". Cutie face is a smart and funny child. She first watches someone do something and then does it herself. She makes jokes and laughs at things she thinks is funny. I realized TV wasn't as bad as they say. I found her laughing hysterically at a comedy routine and after watching a show she quizzed me on some riddle. At nearly 3yo she gives cootie shots (a first grader taught her) and attempts knock knock jokes.
The amazing thing is to watch her with a child who so obviously doesn't share her interests. And how she adapts to that child's play. She definitely has my personality. I see her trying to help others achieve her level of competency and them totally not getting it (explaining to them how to go potty). I see her learning from others of things she can't do and getting it (climbing in the playground). I'm proud.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Changing Schools

Cutie face does not like the school she goes to. Every morning "I don't feel well" "My belly hurts". I don't want to go to school. I want to go to my Sunday school. When I managed to get her to tell me why, "I'm scared of the teachers". She's 3yo and has been going to school since 16mos. Never been scared before.

I'm not sure the Nyack Montessori is a good choice for her. She's the kind of child who will get into Harvard and will choose somewhere else to go. There are 28 children in her class. Each morning they have circle time with 28 children (OK less because not all the children show up) I think New York State Law allows 20 for 3-4yo. They spend a lot of time getting around the NYS laws since there are 3-5yo in the class.

In a nutshell we should be sending her to a school she likes.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Bye Bye BAI

Last week our group CEO came into my office to advise me that they were closing the New York office of our group. I was told I should set up my exit interview.

Well, I'm here on Monday and Mary has not returned my phone call.

i've also decided that the Montessori in Nyack is wrong for cutie face. She doesn't like it. There are 28 children in her class and even if they break into groups there's just too many children.

This is different than Hebrew school. She's so excited to be there, She tells me I'll see you later. She even wrote the word "Hi" on the butterfly for the Sukkah.

We are checking out a new school this week.

I'm not sure if I'm working or not.

But I'm here. I'll forward my office phone calls to my cell and emails to my personal emails.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Whitney Museum

So I thought the Guggenheim museum was good. Hah - You must take your children to The Whitney Museum for the "Summer of Love" exhibit through Sept 15. There's a conversation room with fabric bumps and seating areas in rainbow colors. Several light shows. The light show she liked best was the blinking lights that make it look like you are moving at different speeds. She did not want to leave. The guard told us to check out the 4th floor with the mirror floor. I didn't get it but went.

So you see a mirror floor. So you say big deal. But watch a child look at the floor trying to understand why the people aren't falling down. You see the depth perception of the ceiling reflected on the floor and it totally confused her. She got down on her hands to make sure the floor was solid before she would step on the mirror. She would run a little and stop short to check the next area. -

Free tickets to the museum from the library - Priceless.

Shana Tova U'mutucah - 5768

Have a good and sweet new year.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Cutie Face

Why is cutie face cutie face?

Some over her favorite sayings:

Mommy, I can do it myself. You don't have to help me. (on the toliet - no wet pull-ups at night at 26 months - no more pull-ups at 2-1/2)
I want to watch MY movies
My favorite thing to do is computer games (puzzle games, dress up games, memory games, anything for the usual 6 yo. - wait she's not even 3.
Mommy, be happy.
I have to do my work. What is your work? My work is play.
I want to go to mommy's office and then to the museum.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Thought this was funny

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Itchy Mosquito Bite

I went to the dermatologist today to have a June mosquito bite that never went away checked. It's fine. I found this tidbit on Yahoo questions.

What makes a Mosquito bites so itchy?

It's proteins in the mosquito's saliva, which it injects in order to prevent the blood from clogging.

As these proteins are destroyed in temperatures of over 45°C, a method is to hold a not-too-hot cup of coffee or tea against the bite for about a minute, then it won't ever itch again. I always do this and it works great. - Daniel.

Thanks Daniel. I will try it next summer.