Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Subway

This week I've been driving with Paulo to get to the Rt 4 Spanish bus in NJ. The Spanish buses are pretty amazing. They come every 5 minutes and zip through traffic. I then take the subway A train from 175th street to 42nd and transfer to the uptown E. I'm back on the subway again. Except for people standing in the doorway as you enter or exit it's not that bad. Still they stand on both sides of the escalator not allowing anyone to walk up on the right.

I've been doing MetroNorth then the TOR bus for the way home. Much nicer and faster if I get a lift from the bus stop. If not, I have to walk a mile home.

We've been eating dinner on our patio at night. Paulo is almost finished with the playground and the plants we started this weekend from seeds are sprouting.

It's not bad.



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