Monday, September 11, 2006


Enough is enough.
A coworker just had a baby. I saw his wife last month and said she was ready and would probably delivery early. When she went past her due date, I told him to schedule a c-section. If she went into labor before the scheduled c-section great. If not at least they will know when the baby would be born.

He didn't listen. They wanted natural at all costs. I told him that very few babies born from induced labor drugs are actually delivered naturally - THEY END UP C-section anyway - AFTER many hours of painful labor. Why put women through that. Our goal should be the easiest and healthiest labor for the woman. Not a stupid doctor or hospital who needs to have his or her c-section rates lowered. If we focused on the woman - we would lower the c-section rate without the pain and suffering of pregant woman.

Doctors should do what midwifes do. The whole woman experience. IT IS OK TO HAVE A C-SECTION. IT IS OK NOT TO BREASTFEED. We must have these two new mantras in our BIRTHING CLASSES. Woman of means know this. Woman who are uninformed always end up with a bad experience.

The lesson. You are no hero if you insist on natural without being informed.


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