Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Woman Without a Place

So I'm reading A Man Without a Country by Kurt Vonnegut. Wow. For my last will and testiment in my high school yearbook I was left "Monicaland". I too was and am without a country. Nor do I have a place.
Being Jewish I do have a homeland if I ever have to leave the US. And when it comes to humanity they do a better job than we do here. They have humanity as a guiding principle. There are a few bad apples, but nothing like the rest of the world. Their wars are based on survival not profits. And even their prison system filled with real terrorists is actually humane.

I don't know why everyone picks on this little country. It's smaller than the size of New Jersey. OK Israel's 3 million people to buy our products vs the arab world of 50 million people who will buy Coke. The flip side is that they will never recognize women as equals.

Kurt should have been Jewish. He would have fit right in with most of us.


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